hi main motvie is to compare two documnts which im gtting the result i am using agent using combined knoweldge base now ther is collection for api whic tell me that give the update button and information that will be updated how can i fo that
Hi @waqas
Thanks so much for reaching out and using Agno! I’m happy to help. Could you please share a little more detail about your doubt? I want to make sure I understand it fully so I can assist you better.
suppose i have agent that combines three collection 2 are documents and one is for api confugartion detail , i want based on comaprsion i can get api confiuration and its payload is it acheiveable , suppose doc a compared with doc b and told me that adress is changed , so this is will return me response plus which api to trgigger to update along with what new value is , i hope that makes sens
Hi @waqas
I’m still not able to follow completely. If I understand you correctly, you want to have API configurations in a knowledge base (lets say as JSON) and have the agent fetch that, determine if anything has changed from before, and tell you what has changed, etc?
That should be achievable. If the API spec is hosted on a URL it should be even easier, and you could use tools that scrape those URLs.