Import new modul on docker workspace

hi phidata, i try create new vision agent using gemini model on my workspace, my first time setup i just using open ai and its work, after adding new agent with different model its erorr on my docker.

i got erorr on docker who need to install google generatif ai module, i have try stop workspace and install google gen ai module in my conda and on my environtment, then delete old agent api docker image then restart my workspace with phi ws up not work, using phi ws patch (not work), phis ws restart (not work), please need assistant

my code like this :

from typing import Optional
from pathlib import Path
from phi.agent import Agent
from import Gemini
from import PgAgentStorage
from agents.settings import agent_settings
from db.session import db_url

image_agent_storage = PgAgentStorage(table_name="image_agent_sessions", db_url=db_url)

def get_image_agent(
    model_id: Optional[str] = None,
    user_id: Optional[str] = None,
    session_id: Optional[str] = None,
    debug_mode: bool = False,
) -> Agent:
    return Agent(
        name="Image Agent",
        description="Anda adalah seorang ahli forensik yang bertugas menganalisis foto-foto dari lokasi kejadian perkara.",
            "Tugas Anda adalah mengidentifikasi dan menginterpretasikan bukti-bukti yang terlihat dalam gambar. Perhatikan hal-hal berikut.",
            "- Layout adegan: Jelaskan layout atau tata letak adegan dalam gambar. Apakah ada pola atau urutan yang signifikan?",
            "- Objek bukti: Identifikasi dan deskripsikan objek-objek yang berpotensi menjadi bukti, seperti senjata, jejak darah, atau benda mencurigakan lainnya.",
            "- Posisi objek: Perhatikan posisi objek-objek tersebut dalam gambar. Apakah ada informasi yang dapat diperoleh dari posisi tersebut?",
            "- Kondisi objek: Deskripsikan kondisi objek-objek tersebut. Apakah ada kerusakan atau perubahan yang signifikan?",
            "- Interpretasi: Berdasarkan analisis Anda, berikan interpretasi tentang apa yang mungkin terjadi di lokasi kejadian perkara.",
image_path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("multimodal-agents.jpg")
    "Berikan analisis Anda secara terstruktur dan sertakan kesimpulan yang jelas dan logis.",

type or paste code here

2025-01-11 17:52:06   File "/app/api/routes/", line 3, in <module>
2025-01-11 17:52:06     from api.routes.playground import playground_router
2025-01-11 17:52:06   File "/app/api/routes/", line 6, in <module>
2025-01-11 17:52:06     from agents.image import get_image_agent
2025-01-11 17:52:06   File "/app/agents/", line 4, in <module>
2025-01-11 17:52:06     from import Gemini
2025-01-11 17:52:06   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phi/model/google/", line 1, in <module>
2025-01-11 17:52:06     from import Gemini
2025-01-11 17:52:06   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/phi/model/google/", line 15, in <module>
2025-01-11 17:52:06     import google.generativeai as genai
2025-01-11 17:52:06 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'google.generativeai'"""

try to install direct to docker but :

ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘/app/.local’
Check the permissions.

looks like everytime we add new agent with new module we must create new workspace?

Hi @isikepala
Thank you for reaching out and using Phidata! I’ve tagged the relevant engineers to assist you with your query. We aim to respond within 48 hours.
If this is urgent, please feel free to let us know, and we’ll do our best to prioritize it.
Thanks for your patience!

@isikepala the steps to resolve this are a little cumbersome and we are working on improving the developer experience on this one so please bear with us.

  1. Update the pyproject.toml file with your package you want to add to the docker container
  2. Run ./scripts/ file to generate your new requirements file.
  3. Go to workspace/ and mark the param build_images=True

Then re build your docker images and run the docker container using phi ws

okey its works now, i create instruction in this post so maybe it can help newbie developer like me in the future

Adding New Requirements to Agent App

When you need to add new Python packages to the project, follow these steps:

  1. Update pyproject.toml

    • Add your new package(s) to the dependencies list in pyproject.toml
    dependencies = [
      # ... existing dependencies ...
  2. Generate Updated Requirements

    • Run the following command to generate an updated requirements.txt:
  3. Configure Build Settings

    • Ensure build_images=True is set in workspace/
    • This setting tells phi to rebuild the Docker images with the new requirements
  4. Rebuild and Restart

    • Run the following commands to stop the current containers, rebuild with new requirements, and start the updated containers:
    phi ws down
    phi ws up

Important Notes

  • Always update pyproject.toml first, don’t modify requirements.txt directly
  • The requirements.txt file is auto-generated and should not be edited manually
  • When adding new requirements, make sure to activate your virtual environment first:
    source .venv/bin/activate
  • If you encounter any issues, try removing the virtual environment and reinstalling:
    rm -rf .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
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